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If you own a car, you know there’s more to the cost-of-ownership than just finance payments and gas. You also need to budget for maintenance and repairs. If your car is older, those costs are going to be higher. That’s just common sense.  

The same is true of your home. It’s wise to budget for anticipated repairs and maintenance. Otherwise, you might be caught by surprise when you find that your furnace stops working and needs to be replaced. That can easily be a four-figure expense. 

Experts recommend that you set aside 1% of the value of your home for repairs and maintenance. For a $500,000 property, for example, that would be $5,000. That is, of course, merely a rule of thumb. If your home is older, you may need to budget more. 


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July 3rd 2015
Active: 5238
Sold: 2181
Average List Price: $496,546...
Average Sale Price: $484,781
Average Days on Market: 40 Days
Sellers are getting 98% of asking price, 42% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days. The absorption rate is at 2.40% meaning we are in a balanced market

AIRDRIE MARKET UPDATE (Based on 30 days) 

July 3rd 2015
Active: 391
Sold: 156
Average List Price: $396,357...
Average Sale Price: $389,095
Average Days on Market: 47 Days
Sellers are getting 98% of asking price, 40% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days. The absorption rate it at 2.51% meaning we are currently in a balanced market.

4260 Views, 0 Comments

There are many reasons why you may need to sell your home quickly: a sudden job relocation; a change in family situation; or perhaps an opportunity to purchase a new home that you just can’t pass up.   

Whatever the reason, this strategy will help when you need to sell fast. It’s called the “3 Up” strategy. 

• Fix it up. 
• Clean it up.
• Spruce it up. 

First, you need to fix it up. That simply means getting things repaired around your property, such as a broken floor tile in the kitchen or a sticking patio door that’s difficult to open and close. Maintenance issues like these distract buyers from the appealing qualities of your home. Fortunately, repairs can usually be done quickly. 

Second, clean it up. Obviously, when your home is clean and…

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