Going “Green” in Your Garden or Flower Bed

There has been a lot of emphasis lately on the importance of “going green”. That simply means being environmentally-responsible. You likely already recycle, use energy-efficient lights, and turn down your thermostat when no one is home.

Yet, most of us don’t think about the garden or flower bed when we “think green”.

We should! Here are a few practical things you can do to tend to outdoor plants — without negatively impacting the environment.

  • Pull weeds instead of using a weed killer. 
  • Avoid strong pesticides. (Products that target only one or two types of insects tend to be less harsh.) 
  • Don’t use flower bed ornaments (i.e. gnomes) that might bleed colour dye into the soil.…

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Imagine buying a product from a store, taking it home, and then discovering there’s a problem with it. Disappointing, yes, but not a catastrophe. You can simply take it back for repair or exchange.

But, what if it’s moving day, and you discover there’s a problem with your new home? Whoa. A house isn’t so easily returned!

What are the most common problems encountered on moving day?

  •   A delay in getting the keys.
  •  The seller not having completely moved out.
  •  An item expected to be included with the property is missing. (For example, the window blinds.)
  •  Something needs repair that was not disclosed by the seller, nor did it come up during inspection. (For example, the dishwasher not working.)
  •  Damage to the property caused by the…

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