We're in the final stretch of winter and spring is so close I can almost feel it. Although, that may just be another chinook on the horizon. Whether you're counting down the days to warmer weather or trying to sneak in one last ski day, one thing we all may have in common are those winter blues. I've compiled a list of 5 things you can do to get you through the last cold month.

1. Get outside! Lack of sunlight can cause a drop in your serotonin levels and a rise in melatonin levels resulting in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

2. Eat wholesome foods! What we eat has so much more to do with our moods than we think. Give your body foods rich in vitamins and drink your water! You will be pleasantly surprised by your improved mood.

3. Excercise! I know, I know. I'm sure you've heard this a million times before but that is because it really does work. Even if its a quick walk to the store where you would have typically driven, take that time to get up and get moving. You only need 30-45 minutes a day. Your body and your mood will thank you. Look good feel good.

4. De-Clutter! Before you can do your deep spring cleaning, its always best to get rid of the things that you've accumulated over the holidays or throughout the year in general. Get rid of the old toys your kids no longer use, clean out your junk drawer or your tupperware that you can never seem to find the matching lids for. These may seem like small tasks but a clear space is a clear mind!

5. If all else fails, disregard the second tip and eat chocolate! Though it may not be the best for your diet, some things are just good for the soul! 


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