Many homeowners think there’s not much they can do about telephone, heating, water and other utility expenses. Sure, you may grumble about a high heating bill one month, but what can you do about it?  

 Turns out, you can do plenty. There are several ways to reduce monthly utility costs that can save you tens or even hundreds of dollars. For example: 

 • Shop around for a better phone plan. Then contact your phone company. They might match the rates. 

 • Turn down the thermostat on your water heater. You likely don’t need tap water to be that hot. 

 • Clean the screen on your outside air conditioning unit regularly. (Gently with the water hose.) Dirt and leaves can build up on it, reducing the unit’s efficiency. 

 • Leverage the sun. Open…

3904 Views, 0 Comments

(Based on 30 days back)

Active: 5404

Sold: 1314

Average List Price: $475,311

Average Sale Price: $460,301

Average Days on Market: 46 Days


The absorption rate is at 4.11% meaning Calgary is in a buyers market. 24% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days and sellers are receiving 97% of asking price. 

4040 Views, 0 Comments

One of the most important decisions you make when selling your home is setting the listing price. That can be tricky. After all, if you price your property too low, you leave money on the table — perhaps thousands of dollars. On the other hand, if you price your home too high, many buyers won’t even bother to see it, believing it is too expensive. 

 Even with that reality, there are some sellers who contemplate setting a high listing price in the hopes of a windfall. They want some unsuspecting buyer to fall in love with the home and buy it — even though it’s overpriced.  That rarely, if ever, happens.  Instead, the listing often languishes on the market because its listing price is conspicuously much higher than its market value.  

 Think about it.…

3777 Views, 0 Comments

(Based on 30 days back)

Active: 341

Sold: 97

Average List Price: $378,790

Average Sale Price: $371,369

Average Days on Market: 46 Days


The absorption rate is at 3.51% meaning Airdrie is in a balanced market. 28% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days and sellers are receiving 98%of asking price. 

4118 Views, 0 Comments

You may love animals, but with the exception of your family pets, you don’t want them in your home. Here are some tips for keeping the wildlife around your property where it belongs: outside. 

  •  Don’t place bird feeders too close to your windows. Doing so may cause birds to associate a window with food and therefore try to peck their way inside. 
  •  Make sure window screens are secure. If you can push a screen loose with your hand, so can a bird or other animal.
  •  Check screens on dryer vents and chimneys. If they are damaged, fix or replace them.
  •  To determine how animals are entering your home, stuff wadded paper in the suspected entry point. If the paper is disturbed the next day, you’ll know where they got in.
  •  Never leave food outside,…

4016 Views, 0 Comments

When would you talk to a car salesperson? Probably only once you’re ready to buy a new car. You would do some initial research (perhaps on the internet), get an idea of what you want, and then go to the dealership to meet a salesperson, test drive the car and make the purchase. 

Although that approach may work when you’re buying a car, it’s not the best approach when it comes to real estate. You see, successfully buying or selling a home requires a lot of planning and legwork. You want the process to go smoothly, the right decisions to be made, and the best possible deal to be negotiated.  

After all, this is the purchase and/or sale of your home!  So, the best time to talk to a REALTOR® is as early in the process as possible. In fact, even if…

3823 Views, 0 Comments

(Based on 30 days back)

Active: 5699

Sold: 1380

Average List Price: $468,090

Average Sale Price: $454,213

Average Days on Market: 41 Days

The absorption rate is at 4.12% meaning we are just in that buyers market. 24% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days and sellers are receiving 97% of asking price. 

3874 Views, 0 Comments

(Based on 30 days back)
Active: 360
Sold: 89
Average List Price: $398,324
Average Sale Price: $390,501
Average Days on Market: 52 Days

The absorption rate is at 4.04% meaning we are just in that buyers market. 25% of homes on the market today are expected to sell within the next 30 days and sellers are receiving 98% of asking price. 

4071 Views, 0 Comments

You’ve no doubt noticed the occasional news report about a product being recalled for safety reasons. For example, a car model with a brake problem, or a children’s toy that, under some circumstances, may cause injury.  You may not know that these news reports are merely the tip of the iceberg. For each product recall you hear about in the media, there are dozens that get little, if any, publicity.

 That means there may be products in your home that have been recalled — and you don’t even know about it. It’s a scary thought.  How do you find out about recalled products that may affect you? Here are two tips. 

 1. Always complete the registration that comes with many products. This is typically done by mailing in a registration card or filling out an…

3948 Views, 0 Comments

When you put your home up for sale, you want it to look its best to potential buyers. That’s why you clean, tidy and de-clutter every room. 

 Some sellers, however, miss the backyard. You need to pay just as much attention to that space as you do to the interior of your home. The backyard is as important a living space as the family room. To some buyers, even more.  Buyers want to see an attractive backyard space, with the grass cut and the hedges trimmed. The more neat and tidy you can make it, the better.

 Be sure to sweep walkways and wipe down patio furniture.  Also, watch out for the following things that buyers do not want to see:

• Bags of garage and other waste.

• Doggie do-do. (Be sure to stoop and scoop!)

• Rakes and other tools…

3811 Views, 0 Comments