Found 200 blog entries tagged as real estate.

Welcome to Home in YEG!

Look to this page for current real estate market analysis in the Edmonton area, tricks of the trade for homeowners and some really cool design ideas.

Feel free to post any questions you'd like answered -- and contact us for all things real estate!

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Have you noticed that with all the turmoil in the world that thing are getting a little crazy ?   Considering all the craziness in the worl.  Real estate still seams to be a pretty safe bet.
Prices have begun to back off a bit in recent months.  But Lethbridge has had only small fall backs in pricing.  But even these small rollbacks can have a positive benefit to the buyer.  And hopefully no negative effects on the seller.   

The new qualifying rules have put a lot of pressure on the first time home buyer and scarred the hell out of even the most seasoned home owners.  It makes it harder for the sellers to find approved buyers. And creates a stressful environment for the buyers.  Although it is meant to protect the market, and the people getting into the…

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How many times do we walk outside of our homes, year after year and we never take the time to look up, down and around at the condition of our home, fences and out buildings?

I am as guilty of this as everyone else. And then we cant believe the cost incurred when something goes wrong with our home, or when we go to sell it and the inspectors find things that we never dreamed about needing maintenance or repair.

When that happens. It takes away the bottom line on how much money we put in our jeans after the sale is done. And also, can make a deal die faster than a soufflé dies when stomping in the kitchen.

I will use an example of a current sale I am dealing with. We received an offer on an…

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What home improvements should you do? This is a very common concern home owners have. There are usually a few standard updates and upgrades to your home that will give you the biggest return on your investment.

Lets just preface this by saying if you have a home that is only ‘Land Value’ it will not be In your best interest to do extensive upgrades, as future buyers will most likely not see the value you have attempted to put in. Ask your real estate agent or a local contractor if it is worth your while.

First thing is a New Roof. This upgrade may seem like a no brainer, but I am still shocked at the amount of homes I see on the market that have not had the roof replaced in 50+ years! Even if you haven’t done many upgrades on the interior of your…

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Is the time right to buy or sell?

Well. First off let me say that the time is right if it suits your needs. Such as growing family, looking to down size, need a getaway property. There are many reasons why the dollar value should not be the only consideration when buying a property. Although it is probably the main factor used in a home search. It is definitely not the most important. The needs of the individual or the family should be the driving factor. In most cases the same criteria can be found in a home that is a little older than a new home, and at a lower cost. Of course we all would like to have the brand new shiny home with all the latest bells and whistles, but we need to keep reality in the picture.

Sometimes its best to settle for the…

3849 Views, 0 Comments

Hey Everyone! 

Welcome to my very first EVER Blog post! This is going to be more than just a Blog about Real Estate and Real Estate trends; it's going to be about life. What makes us happy, what are the small things in life that we sometimes miss and take for granted. Also I'm currently going on a weight loss journey so I'm going to be excited to share with you my progress. Hopefully throughout this journey you'll get a better understanding of who I am and the values I choose to live my life by.

Before letting you go! I should probably take a little time to let you know who I am! 

My name is Alex Ward and I'm 33 years old. I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta and truly love calling this city home! I'm an only child to two loving parents; whom I will…

10440 Views, 0 Comments

For some homeowners, the process of listing, showing and selling their home can be stressful. Fortunately, there is plenty you can do to make it much less nerve-racking—and even exciting and enjoyable. Here are some ideas:


  1.  Make a plan. Decide when you’re going to show your property, search for a new home, view listings, etc. Block out these times in an agenda book or calendar. That way, you and your family can see what’s coming up.
  2.  Be flexible. Few things go exactly as planned! So, it’s important to build in flexibility. For example, you may plan to see homes for sale on Saturdays, but if an opportunity comes up on a weeknight, give yourself room in your schedule to jump on it.
  3.  Eat well. There are numerous studies that connect poor…

2902 Views, 0 Comments




Getting the right Mortgage is very important. Getting the right mortgage pre-approval is critical.


Are you considering buying a home?   Make sure you take the right steps before you look at potential homes and save yourself some major disappointment. Lots of eager home buyers rush to the market and start looking at homes before checking to see what they can and cannot afford.

That is probably the worst thing anyone can do!

Many times, I have had people call me up and ask to see a home that they found on the web and have fallen in love with. I often caution them once I meet them at the home that if they have not yet talked…

3126 Views, 0 Comments

     My father gave me lots of good advice over the years. I wish he was still around to give me more.
     The advice he never gave me that I wish he had, though, was to buy real estate. Any real estate. 
I moved out of the family home for good at 27 (kind of embarrassing back then, but not a big deal now) and spent the next nine years renting a small apartment after I moved to another city to work. It was a nice, comfortable place that I remember cost $500 a month. I'm not going to multiple 500 by 108 months but that was a lot of money spent on rent.
     At the time, where I was living I could have gotten a small detached home for well under 100,000. I could have rented out a room and proceeded to go to town on the principle of my mortgage.
     Oh well.

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