Found 200 blog entries tagged as real estate.

Happiness is banking with ATB.

The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 3 of 5

China has become, and will continue to be, a source of important economic news. From a trade war with the United States to its rapid economic recovery in the face of COVID to the signing of the The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), China continues to make large economic waves with ripple effects felt around the world, including Alberta.

Some of us on The Owl team are long enough in the tooth to remember when the big economic player and newsmaker in Asia was Japan. China was barely on the radar.

Fast forward to today, and even though…

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The Top Economic Stories of 2020 Part 2 of 5

Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics

Second only to the pandemic in terms of its negative impact on the Alberta economy in 2020 is the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Back in January 2020 before COVID was a household word, the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) forecast for the average price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude in 2020 was $US59. As of December 8, the EIA expects the 2020 average to come in just under $39. The price averaged $57 in 2019.

The demand destruction brought on by the pandemic is the main reason for the difference, but bad…

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The Top Economic Stories Of 2020 Part 1 of 5

Happiness is banking with ATB.

ATB Economics 

It’s that time of the year when we take a look back—from an Alberta perspective—at the top economic stories that took place over the previous 12 months. Each Owl this week will examine one story.

The full list, along with other observations about the year that was, are discussed in the latest edition of ATB’s The Future Of podcast hosted by our Chief Economist Todd Hirsch. The year-end edition can be found here and features commentary from energy guru Jackie Forrest.


First up is the ongoing saga known as Brexit. Brexit (a combination…

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Credit: Secrets to Unlock the Bank's Vault


As an agent, I have helped MANY clients purchase their first home, and have learned what the banks want. If you think you have ANY issues getting approved to purchase your next home, watching this credit video (and my other videos) will help tremendously towards your future purchase. When your normal banks won't grant you credit, I suggest:

  1. A SECURED card:  or 
  2. After this, I suggest cards from a variety of retailers. Retailers are keen to help you shop in THEIR stores; store specific cards are generally easier to get than "main stream" cards. Many retailers offer co-branded…

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I’ve always been attracted to the idea of volunteering.  There is definitely something rewarding about giving up your time, especially when you can see the results.  I can still remember clearly my first volunteer experience when I was 13, at the Misericordia hospital here in Edmonton.  I believe the inspiration came from reading Sweet Valley High novels, and the stories of one of the twins being a Candy Striper at the local hospital.  Or maybe it was Nancy Drew? Anyhow I soon found out that at our local hospital you didn’t get to start out pushing a magazine cart around, chatting with appreciative patients that told you how sweet you were and slipped $5 bills into your hands, or getting to work the cash register at the hospital gift shop.  No, at…

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Black Friday

ATB Economics | November 27, 2020

A little Black Friday trivia


It being “Black Friday” today, The Owl is taking a break from its usual Alberta-focused statistical content to share a little trivia about “the busiest shopping day of the year.” (Please note that the references to Thanksgiving are to the U.S. holiday rather than Canadian Thanksgiving.)

1. What was the first department store to advertise a post-Thanksgiving sale?
2. What percentage of Americans shopped (either in person or online) on Black Friday 2019?
3. What percentage of Black Friday shoppers in the U.S. admit to…

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Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Home and School

Moving to a new home and new school can be upsetting for some children. Helping them to prepare for the move will make the adjustment less stressful.

~ Get them excited about moving. Show them pictures of their new room, and give them ideas of where things can go. If you are painting, let them help choose the colour, and give them some freedom to decorate.

~ Be prepared that the first night sleeping in a new place might end up becoming a sleepless night. Reassure your child that it takes time to get used to a new home.

~ Take a tour of the school. Helping them to become familiar with what the school looks like and how to get to their classroom, the lunch room, etc., will ease any stress…

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