Found 200 blog entries tagged as real estate.

Housing Starts in Alberta Alive But Not Exactly Kicking - ATB Financial

ATB Economics | August 13, 2020


Home building activity in Alberta picked up in July, but remains relatively low.

The number of seasonally adjusted housing starts in June fell to their lowest level since October 1991, but rebounded by 52 per cent in July.

Unfortunately, starts in the province were still down by 22 per cent compared to July 2019 and by 12 per cent over the first seven months of 2020 versus the same period last year.

The situation is markedly different in central Canada.

Despite falling to zero in April in the face of public health measures,…

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Heritage Day In Alberta - August Long Weekend

In 1974 the Alberta Government declared the first Monday of August an annual holiday to recognize and celebrate the varied cultural heritage of Albertans.

That year and again in 1975, a multicultural concert was held at Fort Edmonton Park to celebrate Heritage Day.

In 1976 11 ethno-cultural communities banded together in Edmonton’s Hawrelak Park to display their cultures’ traditional cuisine, entertainment, interpretive materials, and crafts.

This occasion marked the early days of the Edmonton Heritage Festival, which plays an important role in promoting Alberta’s heritage.

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Things To Do To Ruin Your Chances of Getting a Mortgage

A mortgage is a really big deal. When applying for a mortgage, a lender will look at all aspects of your credit history and employment to see if you are able to handle a large debt such as a house.

However, there are some things that will definitely ruin your chances of getting a mortgage if you are not fully aware, and sometimes it may be something that seems so simple but will make a huge impact on your home buying ability.

The following is list of things that can affect your chances of getting a mortgage:

Not having enough saved for a down payment: Always plan ahead. Make sure that you have put enough money aside so that you can make a sufficient down payment. Even if you…

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Preparing Your Home When Going on Vacation

It’s always a good idea to safe guard your home from unwanted pests, criminals, and other issues so you can enjoy a good vacation.

Friends and family: Let a friend and/or a family member know that you will be away and for how long. Have someone drop by to bring in the mail/flyers, and have them check the house for any issues, like leaks, odd smells, and any signs of potential issues. Have them drive by once a day.

Keep it to yourself: Do not announce your vacation time on social media as someone may be tipped off that you are leaving town. This would be a perfect opportunity for criminals to check out your house.

Security Company: If you have a security company that monitors your house alarm,…

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Chances are, you know that you should change the batteries in your smoke detectors at least once a year — even if you suspect the batteries are still good.

But that isn't the only fire safety check you should do annually. Here are some other recommended tips to help keep you and your family safe.

  • Clean your stove burners and oven regularly. Hard grease build-up can become combustible.
  • Check your cupboard for cleaning products, paints and other liquids that are flammable. Read each label carefully. Use and store each product only as recommended.
  • If you keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen — and you should — confirm that it is still good. Extinguishers are like food. They have expiry dates!
  • Go over your fire escape plan with…

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The Ripple Effects Of Lower Oil Production and Investment

ATB Economics | July 14, 2020


Between the pandemic and oil price crash, oil producers in Alberta have been compelled to cut both capital expenditures and production. This, in turn, means fewer jobs, lower exports, reduced demand for goods and services used by the oil sector, truncated government royalties and stunted economic growth overall.

In an effort to quantify the economic impact of the cuts, Statistics Canada released a study last week entitled “The Decline in Production and Investment in Canada’s Oil and Gas Sector and its Impact on the Economy.”

The study found…

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Why is making a big change in life often so difficult?


According to psychologists, maintaining the "status quo" is one of the most powerful motivations we have. If things are "okay", even making a change for the better can be difficult. Our brains resist.


You may have experienced this if you’ve thought about selling your current property and finding your next dream home. Your house may be "good enough" for you now and the neighborhood might be "okay" too. So, even if your dream is to get into a better home that's more suited to your family and lifestyle, you may be hesitant.


That's just the way the psychology works.


One way to get around this psychology is to get your dream out of your head and on to paper. Write…

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